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Paternity Fraud exposed by Paternity Testing, DNA Tests, Paternity Test Results | by Citizens Against Paternity Fraud. The Foremost Source on Paternity Information, DNA Testing Advocacy and more.
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Carnell Smith collaborates with Dr Sharon Squires PhD for the Men's Paternity Fraud Survey. Finally a chance for Men to Give Feedback on Paternity Testing, DNA Tests, Paternity Test Results and Child Support
More stunning Paternity Fraud information that shows DNA Testing at birth would prevent child support games. Dare to dream ...
Old English common law is often misquoted by the legal community and pro-fraud supporters. Men did not pay child support for paternity fraud. A novel concept.
Finally a solution that would discourage others from committing paternity tricks. There must be a consequence and there must be freedom for paternity victims. Period!
We should use biotechnology to help every kid get the paternity fact on their birth documents. Truth about DNA testing, paternity law are the best interest.
How blood types (O, A, B, AB) relate to paternity and information about DNA Testing or DNA paternity testing
Sample form for a Federal Lawsuit To download Printable copy in text format suit.txt 8kB UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT ________________DISTRICT OF________________ AT______________________...
DNA paternity testing - Cuckold is defined aka marital paternity swindle - A man whose wife or girlfriend icommits paternity fraud when unfaithful and gets pregnant by the other guy. DNA paternity testing shows he is not the father.
Be SMART, save a life (yours), by getting your DNA paternity test done today. All alleged Dads and child(ren) deserve to know the paternal TRUTH! The paternal TRUTH can be found out using a legal DNA paternity test
Paternity fraud is uncovered by DNA testing. We could prevent the problem using DNA paternity testing with a Paternity Notification Affidavit. pateand PNA? Truth is a good thing.
Every male and all mothers with sons should learn about the federal code that supports paternity deception aka paternity fraud.
Involuntary Servitude (Slavery) is Illegal! Title 42 United States Code, Section 1994. The holding of any person to service or labor under the system Blown as peonage is abolished and forever...
Georgia General Assembly and Executive branch support the use of DNA paternity testing to exonerate those falsely accused of paternity. DNA Paternity tests reveal that men are not the fathers.
Partial list of GA fraud laws that should be useful in paternity fraud cases. Especially where the child's mother has "Unclean Hands" when invokving the power of the court to take property and liberty from a man who is not the adopted nor biological father of the child.
Georgia Constitution - Article I Article 1. Bill of Rights Section I. Rights of Persons Paragraph I. Life, liberty, and property. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property except by...
S.486 Innocence Protection Act of 2001 (Introduced in the Senate) to free innocent people using DNA testing
The Paternity Fraud Constitution "JUDICIAL JUSTICE" We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all men are created Equal. Men are being Deprived of Equal rights under the U.S. Constitution. That...
Carnell Smith's letter to Georgia legislators to support Senate version of paternity fraud bill HB 369. DNA paternity testing reveals the truth. The truth is the best interest, period.
Paternity Statistics from The Men’s Health Network Who is daddy and who is not ... Paternity Fraud data
Paternity Fraud Victims I (Carnell Smith) am one of the thousands of paternity fraud victims discovered in April 2000/ July 2000 after two DNA paternity independent paternity tests.
Paternity Fraud Dictionary contains some interesting terms that related to DNA, paternity testing and DNA paternity tests.
The Paternity Fraud Fable (another great analogy of the problem-CAPF) from TCman in Arizona The pain and humiliation of infidelity in marriage is bad enough without having to make it worse by making...
We met Iviis and Becky Pinter at the Atlanta capitol rally for victims that learned "he is not the father" by paternity testing. If you think lying about paternity is limited to unwed cases ... ask Mr Ivis Pinter's ex-wife "who is the father of her child"?
Paternity FRAUD Quiz POP QUIZ When your hear "I'm pregnant, did the mother tell you about her other intimate relations? Are you one of the 30% paternity fraud victims in the U.S. and Australia? Do...
RESEARCH PROPOSAL about paternity fraud; Perhaps the Dept. of Psychology or Human Development and Family Studies Department at (name of institution ) would be...
WORDS OF WISDOM The courts often say "You admitted you were the father." One cannot knowingly admit to a result. One can admit to having intercourse. One cannot admit to having any first hand...
Social Security Act 455 supports Paternity Fraud, Paternity Testing, Paternity Statistics and Child Support
LINKS TO STATE WEB SITES "Use keyword Paternity" Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware DC,Washington Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas...
In some cases the bio-dad is a co-conspirator and in other cases the mother never told him about the child, never told him that she was married or never told him about her boyfriend that believed she...
Time limits protect the secret revealed by DNA test, paternity testing and false paternity law. Article by Carnell Smith for CAPF Freedom Fighter, "The Naked Truth" ; What would happen to...
Did you know that Courts do not require the mother to tell you that another person is the child's biological father? A simple DNA test could help you get the truth. If paternity testing revealed that you or someone -else had been duped about - their release of a monies awould believeCould you imagine being forced to pay child support to your ex-wife, ex-girlfriend...
United States Supreme Court Does the US Supreme Court case supports our position against paternity fraud? SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, 06/25/87 RIVERA v. MINNICH 1987.SCT.2906, 483...
Multi-state cases where victim won paternity fraud case using DNA paternity testing.
Paul Smith discovered that he is not the father by a paternity test then had to fight the state of GA for his freedom. Smith v. Georgia Department of Human Resources, No. A97A0257 (Ct. App. Ga. May 16, 1997) The Georgia Court of Appeals opinion (May 1997).
Paul Smith testified with Carnell Smith at GA Capitol that DNA tests for paternity should be used to always get the truth. Thanks to DNA more than 200 innocent people have been freed. Paternity testing should be used to protect innocent men and children.
Articles about paternity, paternity impact on fatherhood, paternity law for victims and courts. Some agree that truth must be the standard. Just think about DNA paternity test as a standard requirement before child support or services will be providied.
Learn differences between home paternity test and legal dna paternity tests. Will a home test get the whole truth, maybe!
Fighting For Fatherhood by: Tony Zizza for: The Atlanta Journal-Newspaper "Other Opinion" Guest Column Andrew Bowey and Carnell Smith have never met in person. One of them supports paternity, paternity test, paternity testing, DNA test and
DNA paternity testing.
DNA testing reveals paternity and paternity fraud with pinpoint accuracy in many cases.
Published in the Desert Journal - June 2001; "Redefining Fatherhood, Reinventing Responsibility" by Tony Zizza also speaks about paternity, paternity testing and DNA test.
"Let's Talk About Paternity Fraud " Guest Editorial by Tony Zizza for USA TODAY Newspaper, "The Forum" April/2001 It was the late novelist-philosopher Ayn Rand who said in so many words, that in a...
Video Poker Is A Game, Paternity ... by: Tony Zizza Georgia appears to be in a frenzy these days. Whether it's the lure of the Gold Club trial or the...mystery of paternity, paternity testing and DNA tests ...
Paternity Fraud - Is Paternity Fraud, The Perfect Crime? The answer is "Yes"! Learn how paternity testing has pulled the covers of this undetectable sham.
When men are routinely released from jail / prison using DNA testing, why is justice denied for paternity fraud victims? Imagine paying child support under great stress ... then discover "you are NOT the father".
Important information to consider about paternity, paternity tests, DNA paternity testing and potential loss of life, liberty and property. .
Letters from men and women against paternity fraud
"I am On A Mission" March 2001, I attended a few of the sessions at the Capitol just to see the operation of how a bill gets processed. I was amazed at the way some of the Representatives conducted...
Second Wives Crusade Survey at www.acfc.org To the Second Wives: You can make a difference in the survival of your family. Our organization is living proof that Concerned women make a difference.
AFC Letter of support for Georgia paternity fraud bill HB 369 from Stuart Miller
Paternity Fraud should be stopped in Georgia. From: Albertelli To: dbeasley@ajc.com Dear Editor: This editorial is written on behalf of all Georgia Men who have been defrauded...
Australia has Citizens Against Paternity Fraud Note from CAPF Director - same problem PF is 30% of men DNA tested for paternity could be construed as an epidemic.
CALIFORNIA PF VICTIM says ... We found out through DNA testing that not just one, but two of the kids he thought were his from one mother, are not his. The California District Attorney...
A California mom speaks out for truth revealed by paternity testing. The truth is a good thing -- DNA testing gets the facts.
California Paternity Fraud victim speaks up to let us know his story. Yet another man and his family affected by paternity fraud.
August 1, 2001 Attn: Mr. Curt A. Levey Director of Legal and Public Affairs. Center for Individual Rights 1233 20th Street, N.W., Suite 300 Washington, DC 20036 Telephone: 202.833.8400 Fax:...
Another honest person wants to be posted on paternity truth headquarters. It is really not that difficult to support DNA testing as the standard tool for court and child support, regardless of marital status. The best way to avoid paternity fraud is to ....
Lets Talk About Paternity Fraud Part One: Whats Going On? Paternity fraud occurs when a mother lies about who the biological father of a child really is. It...
See my response to: Paternity Trap in Volusia County July27, 2001 NEWS JOURNAL Christine Preston (Staff Writer) RE: Volusia County testing child-support payment program Hello Christine...
03-25-01 Printed by permission from DT Orlando, FL My paternity Fraud Case is a long one, so if you have a minute please read. .My case started in 1993, I was sent papers by the states attorneys...
Letters from L.Brackett Sent on July 18, 2001: E-mail address: steve@gov.state.ga.us Dear Senator Thompson, Please vote for passage of House Bill 369 that will protect parents from paternity fraud....
Carnell Smith sent open records letter to obtain statewide paternity tests information. Did you know that 30 percent of DNA tests for paternity in Georgia, the man tested was not the father? And you thought everyone told the truth in each child support case.
The State Senate CHARLIE TANKSLEY District 32 writes CAPF founder, Carnell Smith about paternity fraud bill and recent newspaper story.
Letter Submitted by: Paternity Fraud victim "Iowa Dad" Published by permission. Checkout his website at: DIVORCED FATHERS NETWORK I, do hereby grant permission to paternityfraud.com to publish...
Mrs. Kelly Nudelman Alpharetta, GA 30004 March 12, 2002 Honorable State Representative Georgia House of Representatives Atlanta, GA 30334 Dear Honorable... speaks out against paternity fraud
From: AK To: PaternityFraud mailbag; Subject: Comments on your site. First of all, let me say that I'm an 18 year old...
Carnell writes letter to Georgia US Senator Zell Miller asking for help against paternity fraud
Letter Submitted by: Paternity Fraud victim's "Fiancee' in Maine" Published by permission. The one that got away from the PF mother! Hi this is my fiancee's story. When he was 18 he was dating...
Paternity Fraud strikes again, 2 of 3 children were not his! Another member of the Hall of Victims. I wish to keep all names anonymous because of legal reasons and protection for all parties...
Posted by permission! From: MS Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 5:01 PM Subject: HB 369 Honorable Senators, I am writing to convey to all of you the importance of HB 369. This bill will stop paternity fraud.
Members of the US Armed Forces speak against paternity fraud. Subject: HB 369 - For the Children in support of DNA paternity testing.
3/17/01 - Wife of PF Victim writes GA Senators ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2001 9:40 AM Subject: HB 369 - For the Children Fm: Mrs. 2Dwife, Member of the US Armed Forces...
From: MMwoman To: <mailbag@paternityfraud.com> Subject: You are right- no paternity-no payment due Date: Thursday, May 03, 2001 3:09 PM When I heard this story on the radio, I had difficulty...
Used by Permission ----- Original Message ----- From: William Hagen To: mailbag@paternityfraud.com Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2001 1:44 AM - Subject: RE: Child Support Mr. Smith, Please but me on...
In 1988 Congress passed a Public Law 100-485 the Family Support Act under the title Establishment of Paternity the States are MANDATED to require ALL parties in a contested paternity case to take a DNA test ....
From: Mrs Victim of NC., paternity fraud victim because her husband was lied to about paternity! Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 9:13 AM To: Carnell director@paternityfraud.com Thank you for your...
NYman is a paternity fraud victim; Paternity, Divorce and Men’s Rights. I am sending out this story to anyone who will listen. Today men who have proven by DNA paternity testing.
Carnell Smith supports DNA testing to get the truth about paternity. See the letter to his Georgia Senator Connie Stokes requesting support for the famous paternity fraud bill HB369 aka OCG 19-7-54. It should be called the Paternity Justice Act of 2002.
MIKE CROTTS COMMITTEES: District 17 Appropriations 303 Legislative Office Building Banking and Financial Institutions 18 Capitol Square Ethics, Secretary Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Insurance and Labor...
The State Senate NATHAN DEAN DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS CHAIRMAN writes back about paternity fraud legislation and the problem.
ZELL MILLER GEORGIA May 17, 2001 Ms. Shirley Spencer Acworth, Georgia Dear Shirley: Thank you for taking the time to contact my office recently and express your views on paternity fraud....
Letter Submitted by: "Another Paternity Fraud (PF) victim in metro-Atlanta Georgia" Published by permission. Double trouble, when PF mother uses twins to dip for dollars! My name is RRman and I am an associate Pastor
From: "Carnell - Director" director@paternityfraud.com; To: ALL Subject: June letter-writing campaign to US Justice Dept. about Paternity Fraud Date: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 1:03 AM This...
PaternityFraud.com, Carnell Smith and others discuss paternity fraud in newspapers, news, TV shows, radio, magazines, blogging and websites.
Wives of Paternity Fraud victims speak out! No you can't rip-off my family any more and I won't stand for it nor be quiet about it.
The current Wives of Paternity Fraud victims will be with us to share what this crime does to families. It was proven by DNA paternity testing confirmed that some or ALL children were fathered by other men. Why aren't the mom and her lover responsible for their own kids?
Message to Fraud Moms (FM) "When you steal from her husband, you're stealing from her family!" Stealing is WRONG and a criminal offense.
MARCH 2002 URGENT -- CHILDREN NEED HONEST GEORGIANS TO CALL IN EVERY DAY Asking the House of Representatives to vote for the Senate version of HB 369. Georgia will make history by helping the...
April 17, 2001 NEWS RELEASE Director of CAPF, takes paternity fraud to trial in Georgia! Decatur -- April 16th, The battle lines were drawn and war was declared against paternity fraud in Dekalb...
IMMEDIATE NEWS RELEASE For more information contact: Carnell Smith - Victim, Exec. Director & Founder US Citizens Against Paternity Fraud (US-CAPF) Host of "4Lies & 4Truth" Talk...
Carnell Smith and Dylan Davis talk about paternity fraud in Colorado on TV. This is a good case of state supporting paternity fraud to trap a miltary veteran that has learned that none of the kids from his now ex-wife are his.
Press Release November 23, 2001 Several nationally known Paternity Fraud Victims will testify before Florida's Commission on Responsible Fatherhood on Dec. 3, 2001. The Public and Expert...
Brought to you Courtesy of: PaternityFRAUD.com ** NEWS FLASH ** Georgia's says Children and Men deserve... l April 2, 2002 For more information, contact: Carnell...
February 6, 2002 The Sound of Freedom draws closer for enslaved Georgians! SUBJECT: House Bill HB 369 - Georgia Paternity Fraud Bill The Georgia Senate voted 45 - 5 (90% favorable) to...
Brought to you Courtesy of: PaternityFRAUD.com ** NEWS FLASH ** Georgia brings JUSTICE into the 21st Century May 9, 2002 For more information, contact: Carnell...
Wednesday, 11-21-01 NO SHOW Tonight -- Satellite Uplink is still down per Heritage Broadcasting Technical Staff! They plan to resume operation by Dec. 1, 2001 or sooner. I have...
Carnell Smith wins his highly publicized paternity fraud case at state court after unsuccessful appeal to the US Supreme Court.
Hello Family and Friends We will appear on Dr. Phil's show on Monday, October 29th with one of my DNA clients, Atty Marc Angelucci and Atty Gloria Allred. It will be an explosive and thought...
News about paternity and paternity issues resolved by DNA paternity and paternity testing. .
Enter your search terms for paternity fraud, DNA testing, child support and other information on www.paternityfraudtest.com www.paternityfraud.com
Official PaternityFraud.com online store presents hats, shirts, t-shirts, sweatshirts, buttons and more
DNA confirms Brown's child Augusta Chronicle (subscription), GA - Oct 19, 2007 A friend had e-mailed her a newspaper story about Ms. Petitt's paternity confirmation and told her to "get in...
PATERNITY NOTIFICATION AFFIDAVIT contains need to know information with DNA paternity testing that could help paternity fraud victims and the court get the truth. Paternity testing is a reliable means of getting the truth and nothing but the truth.
Carnell Smith speaks about state supported paternity scheme and the underlying goal "using men fo rmoney". DNA paternity tests reveal the untold story where men are misled or tricked by false paternity.
PATERNITY FRAUD WINNING STRATEGIES: This is educational information provided to discuss with your attorney. You will need a legal DNA paternity testing by an AABB accredited laboraty.The truth will be revealed by a DNA test.
US Citizens Against Paternity Fraud official site for men and women affected by paternity fraud. Paternity testing revealed the whole truth.
Paternity testing reveals the truth. Yet victims still face jail and loss of liberty and property. How to deal with adversity, especially as a paternity fraud victim.
The privacy policy on PaternityFraud.com
Terms of Service for visitors of PaternityFraud.com seeking data about paternity testing, paternity fraud, paternity test results and more
The age old paternity swindle is exposed through DNA paternity testing on radio, newspapesr, magazines, websites and other.
Checkout the false paternity stories at PaternityFraud.com. Truth matters to the concerned heart.
We need 1,000 or more people to voice your opinion about paternity testing, paternty and DNA. If DNA can be used in criminal court, it must be used in family court, too.
Carnell Smith, Director of U.S. Citizens Against Paternity Fraud (US-CAPF), another victim of the unjust court system that denies his constitutional rights is asking for your help to get 5,000 DNA paternity tests completed nationwide.
2/22/01 2nd public Hearing on Georgia Paternity Bill HB369. The legislators acknowledge that another form of Child Support Fraud begins with "Paternity...
3/09/01 Senate Special Judiciary contacts for HB369! Concerned citizens should ask their lawmakers to help free the paternity slaves.
To avoid a paternity trap, you must know that DNA paternity testing is "in your best interest" before signing or agreeing to causing a pregnancy. At least not until you have the DNA test results of an impartial legal paternity test.
April 18, 2002 Hello All, My personal Paternity Fraud case has reached the United States Supreme Court to address this International epidemic. The entire Petition for Certiorari...
3/07/01 Georgia House Bill HB369 -- PRESS RELEASE-- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Georgia legislators are establishing freedom for the enslaved Paternity Fraud victims! ...
"Military Men and Honest Americans" rally for the release of Georgia's new slaves on MLK Day.... Paternity Fraud victims and their families.
Carnell Smith, Director of Citizens Against Paternity Fraud is inviting you to join us and sign our petition asking for the release of Georgia's new slaves aka paternity fraud victims using the paternity fraud bill HB369.
If the goal is to tell the truth, get the truth and rule by truth then paternity testing should be ordered in all cases, except the male has formally adopted the child.
New HB369 Georgia Law against False Paternity goes into effect on July 1, 2002 per Rep. Stanley Watson (D-070). Trust but verify paternity using a legal paternity test. This paternity law has freed many victims and their families plus a means to order a DNA test that is court admissible.
The real paternity is close relative of the mother. The truth by DNA paternity test exposed the secret affair. Truth is a good thing!
June 15, 2001 NEWS RELEASE CAPF Director breaks the sound barrier in Oklahoma ! Atlanta, GA -- June 15th, The silence in Oklahoma about child support fraud aka paternity fraud has been broken. A...
Citizens Against False Paternity (CAPF) talks about DNA, DNA testing, paternity testing and paternity law reform.
"Men and Families" rally for the release of Georgia's new slaves aka paternity victims. There is a negative impact to the falsely accused male, his assets and his family upon learning that one or more of the children are not his by a paternity test.
A DNA paternity test will answer the paternity question, except where the paternity candidates are identical twins.
Carnell Smith and others met Honorable Rep. Stanley Watson to have the first public hearing for victims of false paternity. We brought victims and DNA test proof that men who were not the fathers are ordered to pay against their will.
January 9, 2002 FYI - See the sample letters and contact information to GA Senators Praise the Lord. The Lord is on our side - whom shall we be afraid of? Please send me a copy of any letters...
Racing to Save Our Children from paternity fraud press conference with the ACFC Racing Team
Senate Hearing for Paternity Fraud began in Georgia. It supports the need for DNA paternity testing to reveal the truth about paternity.
1/24/02 - Let the Sound of Freedom Ring - PRESS RELEASE-- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information, please contact: Mr. Carnell Smith - Director & Founder...
Carnell Smith establishled the advocacy group "US Citizens against Paternity Fraud". US-CAPF supports legislative reform and public awareness that a DNA test and paternity testing can stop fraud.
Contacting DNA Paternity Test Expert Carnell Smith's office at PaternityFraud.com for consulting, media, advocacy, legislative reform and paternity testing
Paternity Fraud
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Metro-Atlanta, Georgia